What To Know When Seeking Whole Genome Sequencing Services
Genome sequencing is a powerful technology used to determine DNA sequencing of an organisms genome. Whole genome sequencing is worth mentioning when we talk of genome sequencing and is applicable in many industries. It’s useful in medical diagnostics, cancer genomics, infectious disease surveillance, etc. Although you will get many companies offering sequencing services, determining the most suitable service provider is crucial. Moreover, there are various aspects to keep in mind when seeking such sequencing services.
Who needs whole genome sequencing services?
Whole genome sequencing is applicable in many industries and can benefit companies and individuals alike. The services can benefit patients with rare ailments, and unexplained medical conditions. Whole genome sequencing can help identify mutations that may cause the disease symptoms.
The process can also be useful in cancer diagnosis and identifying specific mutations and tumors. This helps determine the right therapies and treatment options.
Its also useful for patients seeking personalized medications to match their unique genetic makeup. Similarly, whole genome sequencing is useful for couples seeking to get screened and identify potential genetic disorders that can be passed to their children. It’s also essential for research purposes and pharmaceutical companies can use whole genome sequencing services to design new treatments and identify suitable trial candidates.
Things to know when seeking whole genome sequencing services
There are various things to know when seeking to hire a whole genome sequencing service provider. These are;
- Purpose
Think of why you want to undergo whole genome sequencing. The procedure can help identify genetic predispositions to certain diseases. Also, it can determine the most suitable treatment options and improve your understanding of genetic conditions. Find out the sample collection process and prepare adequately.
- Cost of service
Whole genome sequencing can be costly, and the cost varies depending on the provider. Find out whether you will incur additional costs after the first payment, and if you will need additional services such as genetic counseling. Moreover, determine whether your insurance company covers this, or you will pay out of pocket.
- Know the right provider
You will come across many whole genome sequencing companies online, but not all are experienced enough to help. Research for reputable sequencing companies and ensure they are licensed and experienced.
Also, ensure that the team has the right tools and equipment to offer the services. Search for reviews from other clients to determine the type of experience to expect. Although the services by accredited sequencing companies may be costly, they are worth the investment, and you can be sure of quality services.
- Data security
Data security is vital when seeking sequencing services. Learn of the provider’s policies regarding privacy and data security, also how they sort genetic information, store and use it. Find out whether the team understand the implications of sharing your data with unauthorized parties and be sure of data security before hiring the services.
- Help interpreting results
Whole genome sequencing generates vast amounts of data. This can be complicated to interpret and you need help to understand the results. Therefore, find out whether the team offers interpretation services and genetic counseling services, and if you have to pay extra for the service.
In summary, sequencing services are widely used in various industries, and working with the right service provider ensures quality. Remember that whole genome sequencing may not include certain types of genetic changes, and you should understand the relevance of potential results.